What a wonderful trip, what a wonderful girl! It's about 8:30 on Sunday morning Nova Scotia time, and so it's 8:30pm China time, I've been awake for almost 48 hours...so has Aislin. She slept a bit on the plane but right now she is upstairs in her crib playing, I am hoping she'll go to sleep at some point. She is still smiling!! It was an enormously long trip home. We left at 2am Saturday morning NS time, and got to NS at 1:30 am Sunday! Other than a meltdown on the flight from Toronto to Moncton, Aislin did really well! We couldn't have asked for more. John is fast asleep and so are the newest Grandparents...we'll let them sleep for a bit longer and then it's my turn! I'll post some pictures so you can all see her now, she is doing so well. She stands so much better, we even got her to eat some applesauce. She had her doctors appointment at the Canadian Embassy and other than some malnourishment causing her to be underweight and have less strength than normal in her legs she is perfectly healthy. We get her checked out on Wednesday from our family doctor. I am hoping to post some other pictures of our trip so you can see some of the amazing places we went to..
It is so nice to be home. My Mom and Dad are so excited about her, once Dad held her he didn't want to give her back...she took to them right away! It is so wonderful that they are here with us, it means the world to me and I know it does to John and Aislin too!! We had lots of messages from Angie and Kyle who are waiting to talk to their little sister, and Sean who is dying to hear his niece's voice!!! Tara, Mike, Ethan and Emma painted a banner welcoming Aislin home, they did a beautiful job!!

And they made us supper (lasagna!!!) so we don't have to cook our first night home. There it was in the fridge, with all the fixings...caeser salad and garlic bread! Wow we really appreciated that! We can't wait to get home to Cape Breton too...there are alot of really special people that we want Aislin to meet. I am particularly looking forward to seeing Jenny, we've been best friends since we were six years old and have shared all the big moments in each others lives...I can't wait for Aislin to meet her Auntie Jen!!!
Here are some pictures from our first moments together, when she was first placed in our arms and then us having a nap!