So far being a mother completely exceeds my expectations:
1.I did not expect to be up three times a night everynight (
except Saturday's because that's John's night, but she screams so loud I'm awake anyway!) I'm sure someone must have told me about this but I thought they were just making stuff up! Honestly though, it's those times in the middle of the night when the house is quiet and it's just the two of us and Caper that I treasure. I hold Aislin in my arms, she lays her head against my chest, then looks up and into my eyes as though she's checking to make sure it's me, she smiles and lays her head back down and my heart melts.
2. I did not expect poopy diapers to smell that bad! Holy Cow! I've changed plenty "o" diapers in my day but none and I mean none compare to my little girl! And it seems as though it's those diaper changes that she has the wiggles and we end up with poopy diaper everywhere!!!
3. I did not expect that she wouldn't like the highchair, the car seat or sitting down period! She's pretty curious and sitting down certainly does not allow her to see what's going on! Now that she can stand really well holding on, she wants to stand all the time or be in our arms to see what is happening up here!
4. I did not expect her to like everything she has tried eating so far except green beans. Tonight I am sporting a lovely green bean sweater. She tried them and then ended up throwing them at me and throwing them up.....we'll stick with peas and carrots for now!
5. And mostly I did not expect that I could love someone so so so much that I can't wait until she wakes up in the morning! She is such a character that I literally belly laugh at least ten times a day at the faces she makes and the things she does.
So do I like being a Mom.........there is nothing I've ever done that has made me happier! I love it!