Referrals are on their way......the rumor is somewhere between August 23rd and August 29th are included. (We are August 25th). So it's possible though not probable that we will get our referral by the end of next week. We say not probable because I guess we are guarding our hearts. It's easier after this long wait to expect less and maybe pleasantly surprised. So for the next week or so we will be once again sitting on the edge of our seats, with our hearts in our hands all ready to see how close we are to bringing Aislin home. Keep watching we'll let you know what the scoop is as soon as we know.
This is kind of like those falls contractions...you know Braxton Hicks...not yet Tara...not yet...but you're getting close!! Breathe!! Focus....boy this pregnancy is killing me..
Aislin, Grammy wants you home now!!
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