Aislin has been teething and so she's had a bit of a rough go the past few nights. She's also started becomming quite shy with other people, which is kind of hard on our friends who love her and have waited so long for her but on a positive note that means the bonding process is in full swing and she knows she is safe with us. So that makes us very happy. With her baby shower coming up this weekend at Auntie Jo-Anne's, I am hoping she'll be her normal pleasant self and not too upset about all the new faces.
All in all, she's doing great still. She can look in the mirror forever it seems and just laugh at herself, so we got a little baby mirror that attaches to her crib and in the morning you wouldn't even know she was awake except for the giggling!!!
Our house is pretty baby proof so there aren't any rooms off limit, so the other day she was playing in her bedroom and I kept peeking in on her and this is what I saw! She wants so desperately to walk!

What a sweet picture! And just wait - one fine day she'll turn around and just walk towards you. All in good time and each in their own time. (Good thing Aislin's petite - Molly was 18 mos. of non-walking, non-crawling back-breaking weight! If she figured out the walking thing, anyone can!)
Your description of her giggling to herself in the morning brings a big smile. She sounds like a little doll. Glad to hear the adjustment is going well.
Happy Chinese New Year!!
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