Aislin continues to do well, she can feed herself now though she really doesn't like to..I end up wearing whatever she's eating because she'll scream and throw her spoon at me. She also got her first molar! We were very surprised, she's getting two more teeth on the top and then I was looking in her mouth and there was a great big molar coming up right in the back! It's been so wonderful now that the weather is nicer, we made a trip out to get sunhats, sunglasses and sunscreen so we are all set, we can go for walks, play in her sandbox and swing away on the swingset...
1 comment:
She's looking as precious as ever! Glad to hear things are warming up and you are getting out more. This is going to be a fun summer as Aislin "discovers" everything!
Sorry about the spoon throwing part though. It does get better - I swear!! :) It's especially hard when they don't have words to communicate. Molly was a highchair disaster until I taught her signs for "more" and "all done". That made a huge difference. Of course the all purpose vicious head shake for "NO! was still her favorite! Good luck and hang in there.
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