We've created this page to capture our journey to Aislin. We hope to be able to share with Aislin when she is older a bit of what it was like while we were waiting to bring her home. This is a picture taken just before we left to go to our final homestudy meeting....this was a big day, we would find out if we were being recommended for adoption.....YAY we were!!!!
We started this process one year ago this month, after some soul searching and alot of paperwork our dossier was finally logged in at CCAA (China Centre of Adoption Affairs) on August 25th, 2005, it's what's know as your LID (logged in date). Things have been a little slower at CCAA these past few months so it's been tough. We know though that we are a matter of months away from bringing our daughter home. It's a very organized process that happens, once our file was logged in China, it then sits there for a while until they get through all the other files before ours and it's then in what they call the "review room", which is where we are right now. Someone is looking at our file as I write this and making sure all the t's are crossed and i's are dotted...then it's on to the "matching room" where they look at our file and match us with the perfect little girl. There are alot of theories on how that is figured out, some being our age and interests and her personality. I don't really know for sure though. So we are anxious to get to the "matching room" and then once CCAA does their catch up with all the files before ours we will get our referral (which is when they send you pictures and information about the child they are proposing to us). We figure with the way things are going now that we might get that in June (keeping our fingers crossed that it will speed up!). Approximately 6-8 weeks after that, we head off to China!!!! Boy are we anxious!
Since I am going to be Grammy I will travel this road with you. I can't wait for our little girl to arrive. Love Grammy
It's with tears in my eyes I read how your dream is coming true. I wish for her what you've given me. Love, family and unconditional friendship that lasts a lifetime. I can't wait to meet you babygirl. Love Auntie Jen
Well Tara, & John I am very Happy for you and hope all is going well with your new excited adventures overseas, You are in my prayers & wishes
Love Uncel Stephen & Craig
We are very excited for you guys. What an exciting experience. Your little girl will have the best family ever. Our hearts and thoughts are with you. Can't wait to meet her.
Barry and Joanne.
Hey guys, great idea to post this and keep everyone up to date.
I wish you all the best and hope all goes well. I look forward to reading about your journey as it unfolds.
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