I never thought growing up that I'd have a tough time finding a name for my daughter. John and I struggled a bit on this, took lots of suggestions (some pretty odd ones but we tried to keep an open mind), read lots of name books and even had a couple names we thought were "keepers", but something wasn't quite right about them...then one day we were sitting in the living room, John was playing his guitar and it hit me, what about Aislin??? John's eyes brightened and said that's it, that's her name, I love it. Aislin is Gaelic meaning "dream". so it even seems more fitting knowing that, Cape Breton where I'm from has such strong
Gaelic influences and this little girl really is a dream come true. We were originally going to call her Olivia, but found that it had suddenly become #3 on the most popular girls name list and that two other little gems adopted from China right here in our tiny town had been named Olivia, so we've decided that'll be her second name. We are most likely also going to keep her name she was given in China. Usually the orphanage will name the child when they receive her and well since that's the name she has had for the first part of her life it doesn't seem like it's our decision. So her Chinese name will be her third name and she can decide when she is old enough what she chooses to do. So there you have it...Aislin Olivia (blank) Camilleri...quite a nice ring to it we think!!!
Aislin Olivia (Alicja) Camilleri Sounds like a great little Princess Name What ya think
I am so happy for you guys. Your little girl will be quite the internationl angel. Great names! Aislin is the lucky one, coming into a family who is just waitng to love her all up.
I am honoured to be privy to your thoughts and excitement. Let me know when you are labour ...don't forget sometimes it's just bruxton hicks...but the real thing will come along in no time!
Auntie Jo-Anne
I think that is one of the most beautiful names I have ever heard! Soon I will have a beautiful little sister to love and spoil, I can't wait.
Love Angie
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