Monday, February 19, 2007

Baby Shower

We thoroughly enjoyed Aislin's special day yesterday at Auntie Jo-Anne's. Mom and Jenny put together a baby shower for Aislin and what a turn out! Aislin received so many beautiful gifts, there were so many people who have been waiting to meet her and she loved every minute of it! It was special also because yesterday was Chinese New Year. In honour of that some guests gave her some traditional Chinese New Year gifts. In China on that day the children receive little red envelopes with money in them.

It was such a wonderful day, it was so nice to see some faces I haven't seen in so long.

Thank you to everyone that came, thank you Mom and Jenny for putting it all together, and thank you Auntie Jo-Anne for decorating your home so beautifully for Aislin and letting us celebrate at your house! Aislin was so tired at the end, she just fell asleep!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Beautiful Girl

Aislin has been teething and so she's had a bit of a rough go the past few nights. She's also started becomming quite shy with other people, which is kind of hard on our friends who love her and have waited so long for her but on a positive note that means the bonding process is in full swing and she knows she is safe with us. So that makes us very happy. With her baby shower coming up this weekend at Auntie Jo-Anne's, I am hoping she'll be her normal pleasant self and not too upset about all the new faces.
All in all, she's doing great still. She can look in the mirror forever it seems and just laugh at herself, so we got a little baby mirror that attaches to her crib and in the morning you wouldn't even know she was awake except for the giggling!!!
Our house is pretty baby proof so there aren't any rooms off limit, so the other day she was playing in her bedroom and I kept peeking in on her and this is what I saw! She wants so desperately to walk!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Belated Birthday Cake

As you know Aislin's 1st birthday was on December 10th, so while my Mom and Dad were here we had a cake to celebrate. It was just the five of us and we had so much fun. I didn't know if Dad and John were going to go for the pink hats but as you can tell they didn't seem to mind a bit! We stripped Aislin down to her diaper and gave her a piece of cake to play with, she was actually tidy about it for the most part, then we threw her in the tub to top off her night....and ours!!!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

My favorite time...tub time

Aislin absolutely loves having her bath. She puts her mouth right in the water and even tries to put her mouth under the faucet to catch the water. John usually gives her a bath and he has to drain the water completely out of the tub before she gets out, she chases it to the drain and then it's just a naked baby in an empty tub...then he scoops her up and then we have a snuggly bundle of happiness!
I just love it.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Saturday, February 03, 2007

What she's doing now!

My oh my this little girl certainly is coming into her own! She can now almost completely stand up on her own, she can hold her own bottle, pick things up and throw them and gives kisses! We are so in is our little dog Keni, she seems to think Aislin is her baby and takes great pride in protecting her. She runs to her when she cries and sleeps by her crib.

P.S Thank you for the phone messages, we are a bit behind and we aren't ignoring you and love hearing from you but will get back to you when things get a bit calmer and we get a bit more rested.