Monday, May 28, 2007

Angie's visit!

What a great week this has been, Angie was here with Logan...what a sweetie he is! It's been so nice to have them here...and of course Aislin loves her big sister, we hate to see them go...

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

My favorite picture of Aislin

To our friends and family who don't get to see her alot, this is what Aislin looks like most of the time except when I am the one taking the picture! She's always giggling and laughing (most of the time we have no idea why)! Thanks to the photographer Tara White for capturing this beautiful smile! I added another pic so you can see how much she's grown, she's still wearing 12 months but she's fitting into them much better now! She's wearing her new jammies from her Great Grammy!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Me and My Girl

It's Mother's Day weekend and I am such a proud Mommy. Last year on this day I was having a hard time, I washed some of Aislin's clothes, moped around missing her terribly, wondering where she was, how she was, is she ok, is she healthy, is she getting enough to eat..then John suggested we start on Aislin's room which made me feel so much better, he seemed to sense that I needed to be as close to her as I could and said what better way to spend mother's day than to prepare for our daughter...yep I still get choked up when I think about it. This year though is so special to me. For the first time in my life I get to hold her in my arms and kiss her all I want on Mother's Day! I've waited so long to be her mother and nothing brings more joy to me than that!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

We have the first signs of walking

I bought Aislin a little walker toy thing about a month and a half ago...she was terrified of it, wouldn't look at it or play with we kept it out thinking maybe she'd get used to seeing it and then not be so intimidated by it. She's been cruising around the house holding on to the coffee table, chairs for what seems like forever but wanted no part of this little toy. Well the incredible happened! On Sunday night she stood up at it and started walking all over the house. Of course she was banging into walls and all that but she was walking around. She really likes her new found freedom!