Thursday, April 26, 2007


We received in the mail today the news we've been anxiously waiting for, Aislin is officially a Canadian citizen! She now has all the rights and privileges of a Canadian! We are so thrilled! Her letter from the government ends with "Welcome to the Canadian Family"...

On this very same day an article done about us appeared in the "Citizen" which is the local's what it had to say:

You Me and Baby makes three
JENNIFER DEMPSEY The Amherst Citizen

BROOKDALE – The past two years have been a waiting game for John and Tara Camilleri. But good things come to those who wait and in February, the couple was finally able to bring their adopted daughter Aislin home from China. The Camilleri’s opted for international adoption after discovering it could take up to 10 years to adopt a child domestically. In February 2005, they travelled to Halifax to attend a seminar put on by Children from China, a Halifax-based adoption agency operated by Linda Kirby. The agency works hand-in-hand with Chinese Centre of Adoption Affairs, a Chinese organization that co-ordinates the adoption process in that country. It was at that same meeting the couple decided that was the route they wanted to take and so began their long and arduous journey to parenthood. An extensive background check and home study had to be conducted on the couple by a licensed social worker that took about three-and-a-half months to complete. Once recommended for adoption, their application was submitted to the Department of Community Services. The demand for Chinese children is high as more and more families from throughout the world choose to adopt. Unfortunately, this results in long wait times. “We waited and waited and waited,’’ Tara recalled. “It was very hard.’’ In fact, there were times when the waiting was almost too much for the couple who grew increasingly anxious to become parents. However, in November of 2006, the couple finally received a photograph of their then 11-month-old daughter. Rather than wait for the photo to be delivered to their home, the ecstatic couple drove to Halifax to pick it up in person. They were overwhelmed with emotion when they saw her for the first time. “She was even more beautiful than we had imagined.’’ It was pouring rain that memorable day and Tara said she tucked the precious photo of their daughter beneath her jacket to prevent it from getting wet as they scurried to their vehicle. That same photo now hangs in their living room, a precious reminder of the day they finally got a glimpse of their daughter. Over the next few months, the Camilleri’s and a handful of other Maritime families also adopting children from China were required to attend monthly preparatory meetings in Halifax put on by the adoption agency. Once the final paperwork was complete, the couple flew to Beijing, China, to be united with their child. The agency arranged virtually every detail of the trip including flight, hotels and travel Visas for which the couple was extremely grateful. “There’s no way we could have done it on our own,’’ John admitted The agency even arranged for some sightseeing tours for the couple that spent two days in Beijing before embarking upon the final leg of their trip that was a three-and-a-half hour flight to Guangzhou, the city in which the adoption centre was located. Once there, the Canadian families began to be united with their children. One-by-one, the babies were brought out and placed in the arms of their new parents. “She was the fourth baby,’’ said John. “She liked us right away.’’ Following a brief stay at the adoption centre, they were permitted to return to their hotel with Aislin where they would spend the next 24 hours getting acquainted with her. It was love at first sight for John and Tara, and Aislin spent the next several days nestled in the arms of her parents. “For three days she wouldn’t let us put her down,’’ her adoring father said. In a rare turn of events, the couple was permitted to visit the orphanage where Aislin had spent the first 13-months of her life where she was given the opportunity to see her caregivers one last time. The threesome then returned to Beijing where they spent an additional five days awaiting the completion of Canadian documentation. During that time, a Canadian physician examined Aislin at an international health-care clinic and her passport was finalized. “Although we couldn’t wait to get home with Aislin, we missed China,’’ John admitted. Exhausted by the 23-hour trip home, Aislin spent her first two days in Canada sleeping. She has now settled into her new lifestyle despite having to adjust to a new language. Although slightly developmentally delayed because of a lack of stimulation in the orphanage, Aislin continues to grow in leaps and bounds. In fact, John and Tara are amazed by her developmental progress. “It seems she’s doing something new each day,’’ said her proud father who is director of sales at M&S Food Services in the Amherst Industrial Park. “She just started kissing last week.’’ Although purely on a liquid diet when she arrived in Canada, Aislin is now eating a variety of solid foods. Although a long and tedious process, the couple says they would definitely recommend international adoption. It has been a couple of months since Aislin joined the family and the Camilleri’s say they now feel complete. It has been a bit of an adjustment for the couple that spent the past four years of their marriage without children but they now say they can’t imagine life without their little girl.

Monday, April 23, 2007

April 23rd

Aislin continues to do well, she can feed herself now though she really doesn't like to..I end up wearing whatever she's eating because she'll scream and throw her spoon at me. She also got her first molar! We were very surprised, she's getting two more teeth on the top and then I was looking in her mouth and there was a great big molar coming up right in the back! It's been so wonderful now that the weather is nicer, we made a trip out to get sunhats, sunglasses and sunscreen so we are all set, we can go for walks, play in her sandbox and swing away on the swingset...

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Spoiled Again!!!

Today we went to the Courthouse because my co-workers put together a little shower for Aislin and Connor! What a great time it was, they had it all decorated with balloons and streamers and presents and lots of food!
She was particularly smitten with Nancy this time and kept crawling over to her...maybe it's the love of food they have in common!!!

Sunday, April 08, 2007


What a great Easter this has been...yesterday we went to the Moncton Zoo to see the Easter Bunny and they had an Easter egg hunt, it turned out to be kind of cold so we weren't there very long, but Aislin got to see baby bunnies and some other animals that were out at the zoo, she really enjoyed it and smiled the whole time. This morning John and Aislin went hunting around the house for the treats the Easter Bunny left, John would pass Aislin an egg they would find and Aislin would drop it in her basket, I know she didn't have a clue what was going on but she liked the new game she was playing!
P.S. Don't mind the coffee can and wooden spoon beside her, those are her toys of choice these days and of course Keni, Aislin's sidekick is right beside her!

Monday, April 02, 2007

Back from Grammy and Grampy's

We had a wonderful time in Cape Breton this past week. It was alot different from the first time we were there. Aislin didn't cry at all on the 5 hour drive down or back and she slept through the night every night. We were sharing a room so in the morning she'd peek her little face up over the side of her playpen and start laughing as soon as we'd look at her. She also climbed some stairs and pushed herself up into standing from sitting down and now loves to say ya ya ya!

She seems to have become Grammy's girl. As soon as Mom would walk in the room, forget about everything else, it was all about Grammy. It's so neat to see Aislin forming these relationships. We also got to visit with Denise and her new baby Lucas and Auntie Jen, Uncle Dee and Adia and Amado. Then Uncle Doug came by for dinner and won Aislin over by letting her strum his guitar. All in all it was just a really wonderful time, very relaxing and of course we were all spoiled rotten by my Mom and Dad...I love going home.