Thursday, June 28, 2007

Six month post placement meeting

Yesterday we met with our social worker in Halifax for our six month post placement interview which China requires. It went really really well! Aislin of course was a little charmer and played beautifully and showed off all her abilities while we were there. She impressed our social worker so much and she felt Aislin was developing really well. She said "whatever you are doing is working perfectly so keep it up"'s easy I told her when we have such a wonderful child!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Walker in progress

Aislin has finally joined the world of walking the day after she turned 18 months...well actually it's more like I'll walk when I feel like it but I get there quicker if I crawl! She's doing really well, she can walk across the room no problem, though we've already had a bruise and a bloody lip from tumbles..she takes it in stride though like nothing has happened and keeps on going! We had her weighed last week when she went in for her needles, she's still at 22lbs though she seems like she's grown so much. Her hair is getting close to needing to be cut, but I'm just not ready yet. She still isn't really using any words yet but she understands so much...she pretends though that she doesn't understand "no"...haha! I've got her signed up for daycare for the fall, I think it will be harder on me than on her. I have her going before I go back to work so we can make the transition slowly. She is still a smiley little girl with a hearty appetite who also is getting in four more teeth all at the same time! It made for some pretty rough nights but now that the two molars on top have cut through it seems a bit easier on her.
All in all life is perfect....

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Together Again!

What a wonderful weekend! Tammy and Jack came to visit us and we spent the weekend swimming in the pool and catching up! Mike and John continued to be their silly selves!