Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Two Year anniversary

Two years has passed since we brought Aislin home! Wow, time flies. She went from a little helpless baby to a very active, very imaginative and very funny little girl!!! She constantly has us laughing out loud. Her poor little stuffed lady bug doesn't stand a chance for starters...she loves that little thing and every so often she'll pick her up throw her to the floor (WHACK) and say..."ohhhhh poor lady bug...are you alwight?" Then she picks it back up and does it again!

She also has an uncanny ability to know when you are going to say no to her, for example..she no longer asks me for popsicles (she has an addiction and is only allowed 1/2 of one per day!), so she'll go over to John and put her sweet little smile on and batt her eyelashes and say "Daddy, popsicle....pulllllease!" then she'll look at me and go "NO" and turn back to John and smile...often he gives in. I probably would too if she looked at me that way!

But honestly, it has been a miraculous two years, we've enjoyed every minute of Aislin. We can't remember life before her, she is such an important little girl in the lives of her entire family...Happy Anniversary Missy Miss...MUAH!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Christmas...I'm a little late!

Christmas at Grammy and Grampy's was a lot of fun again this year, Aislin sure got the hang of things. Though she didn't care too much about what she got for Christmas she sure enjoyed opening the presents!