Saturday, December 30, 2006

Ah the excitement

We washed all of Aislin's clothes tonight, cleaned out her room and started getting more organized. We sat there and folded her little jammies and reflected at how far we've come and how wonderful this journey has been. Our lives are about to change drastically in about two weeks, and though I'm sure I don't have a complete grasp on just how drastically life will change I welcome it, as does John (he has a better idea of what's to come though already having gone through this)....
We are so excited about everything Aislin will bring to our lives.
We are pretty lucky.

1 comment:

Brenna and Molly said...


You can have your wealth and riches...
All the things so many seek,
Position, power, fine success,
The fame you long to keep.
You can earn so much you wish for, Reach a status high above,
But none of these can equal...
Having one sweet child to love.

'Tis the greatest gift from heaven, Little arms that hold you tight,
And a kiss so soft and gentle
When you tuck them in at night.
A million precious questions
And each story often read,
Two eyes so bright and smiling,
And a darling tousled head.

God can never match the goodness
Of a trusting little face,
Or a heart so full of laughter
Spreading sunshine every place.
A child to hold and cuddle,
'Tis a gift from God above,
And the world is so much brighter
When you have a child to love.

You have the love in your heart and soon you'll have your daughter in your arms!! Keep posting . . .

Linda (Tara's White's cousin)