Monday, December 15, 2008

Happy Birthday

Loved the hat...kept trying to blow out the candles on top of it!

Decorating cakes and making pizza! They had a blast!!!

Downstairs to have some fun with the wii and Aislin's new slide...then a chocolate fondue, it was a great party with some of our favorite people! xo!


Brenna and Molly said...

Happy Birthday Aislin

That looks like a great party - especially the chocolate fondue part! YUM!

Anonymous said...

Where did that little baby girl go.Now I see a beautiful little princess.She sure is a doll. It looks like mommy and daddy are having just as much fun as Aislin.
Happy Birthday little girl and always stay as sweet as you are today. Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and I know the New Year will bring nothing but more happiness to you all.
Love Linda (Tara's Aunt)